Application for Replacement – Form 83146
This form is completed and remitted to the Tax Collector’s office when your customer needs to replace stolen or lost decals or license plates.
Power of Attorney - Form 82053 (not used often)
This form is used to appoint another party to sign on your customer’s behalf (i.e. husband signing for wife). We must have either the original or a certified copy of the form. Photocopies will not be accepted. In most situations, you will be the Power of Attorney and your customer will be the grantor. This state form is considered a limited power of attorney, meaning it can only be used for a specific vehicle, vessel or mobile home and it no longer requires notarization.
The full name of the person being appointed POA goes in this area. If your customer is appointing you, your full name should go here, not the dealership’s name.
Body Type
Title Number
Multi – Purpose Affidavit – UDS 305
This is a Pinellas County form designed by us and approved by the state for use in title and tag transactions. This form is most often used to fix errors on title work. If you use this form to correct errors, it must be on your dealer’s letterhead.