One of the best ways to ensure accurate work is to familiarize you with the DMV Procedure Manual. You can access the DMV procedure manual directly form the State’s website:
This is the resource we use to answer questions and verify information. When you become familiar with the manual, you will save time and improve the quality of your work.
Here are some of the most common Procedures used for Motor Vehicle Transactions:
Title and Lien Procedures:
TL-01- This procedure contains information pertaining to identification and signature requirements, including out of state titles and their signature requirements.
TL-02- This procedure covers Power of Attorney information.
TL-05- This procedure deals with duplicate title applications.
TL-08- Everything you ever wanted to know about sales and use tax pertaining to motor vehicles can be found in this section.
TL-10- This covers original title transactions. This includes MCO/MSO’s and any out of state title that is becoming a Florida title for the first time.
TL-11- This covers transfer title transactions. These would be Florida title transfers. It’s already a Florida title and is being transferred to another individual and is remaining a Florida title.
TL-13- This procedure deals with titling requirements for recreational vehicles, mobile homes and office trailers.
TL-16- This covers titling information on the Landlord-Tenant Act.
TL-23- This procedure deals with repossessions of mobile homes for non-fulfillment of contractual obligations.
TL-33- This procedure has to do with lien satisfactions and alternate methods of removing liens.
TL-39- This procedure covers title applications for retiring a mobile home.
Registration Procedures:
RS-10- This procedure covers information regarding mobile home registrations