Form 82101 is used when the Certificate of Title is:
Never received
Titles that have never been received are called “Lost in Transit”. There is no fee to replace these if they are applied for within 180 days of the last issuance. For a title to be considered Lost in Transit, it must have been mailed from the DMV in Tallahassee. If it is mailed from your dealership to your customer, it is not considered Lost in Transit and full fees apply.
Section 1 Type of Application
Place first listed owner’s name here.
Place co-owner’s name here.
*****If there is joint ownership ALL names must appear in this section even if they are joined by “OR”*****
Put the owner’s mailing address here. This is what is on their driver
license. If your customer states they’ve had an address change, proof must be provided by the customer of the new address.
As a dealer, you will not use this section. This is for counter transactions only
when BOTH parties are present.
Section 2 Application for Duplicate is Made By
Owner, Lienholder, Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Recreational Vehicle Dealer
If the dealership is obtaining a duplicate title on behalf of the customer, the third box for Motor Vehicle/ Mobile Home/Recreational Vehicle Dealer/Auction should be completed.
Put your license number here.
Print the name of the Dealership here.
Print the address of the Dealership here.
Section 3 Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Vessel Description
Put the VIN or the HIN in this area.
Put the make or the manufacturer in this area.
The year of the vehicle, vessel, or mobile home goes here.
If this is a Vessel VS goes here / If this is a Mobile Home, MH goes here.
The color of the vehicle goes here.
If this is for a Motor Vehicle:
Enter the plate number
If this is for a Vessel:
Enter the FL number.
We can only duplicate Florida titles. The Florida title number goes in this area.
Section 4 Vehicle Usage/Brands
Section 5 Lienholder Information
*****If there is a lien, only the lienholder can apply for a duplicate title****
This form allows you to add a lien and apply for a duplicate at the same time.
This is not a common occurrence.
Section 6 Application Attestment/Signatures and Odometer
Is it a 5 or 6 digit odometer? Remember, most odometers are 6 digits.
A current odometer reading is required for all duplicate applications except for repossessions. (An application for duplicate title by the lienholder)
Insert the date of the odometer reading.
If the dealership is applying for a duplicate title on behalf of their customer, this
box will not need to be completed. This area is for walk-in customers only.
If the dealership is applying for a duplicate title on behalf of their customer, this
box will not need to be completed. This area is for walk-in customers only.
If the dealership is applying for a duplicate title on behalf of their customer, this
box will not need to be completed. This area is for walk-in customers only.
If the dealership is applying for a duplicate title on behalf of their customer, this
box will not need to be completed. This area is for walk-in customers only.
If the dealership is applying for a duplicate title on behalf of their customer, this
box will not need to be completed. This area is for walk-in customers only.
If the dealership is applying for a duplicate title on behalf of their customer, this box will not need to be completed. This area is for walk-in customers only.
Either the Seller, Owner or Lienholder signs here. If you are doing this on behalf of your customer, they still need to sign this form.
The co-owner signs and prints their name here. If the title is in two names joined by “or”, both printed names need to appear, but we only need one signature. If the title is in two names joined by “and”, we need both signatures.
Fast Title Authorization
If you would like a fast title, you will also need permission from the owner to pick up the title. You have 3 options to obtain this permission:
Fast Title Authorization Form – UDS309
A Power of Attorney – HSMV 82053
A Letter on Dealer Letterhead stating who is allowed to pick up Fast Titles on behalf of the dealership. This letter will stay on file at the office you submit it to. If you do business with more than one office, a separate letter will be needed for each location.