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Hunting & Fishing Licenses
Getting a license or permit to engage in outdoor activities in Florida is quick and easy. Licenses and permits are available:
- Online at Official Florida Fishing and Hunting Licenses | Go Outdoors Florida
- In person at a license agent or tax collector's office
- By calling toll-free 888-FISH-FLORIDA(888-347-4356) or 888-HUNT-FLORIDA (888-486-8356)
- Through the Fish|HuntFL App on Apple and Android devices
The only licenses you would be required to come into the office for are:
- Lifetime Hunting/Fishing Licenses
- Charter Captain
- Charter Boat
Important info:
- Most licenses are annual and expire 12 months from the issue date.
- Anyone born on or after June 1, 1975, must have passed an approved hunter education course before they can be licensed in Florida.
- To apply for a Resident Person with Disabilities Hunting and Fishing license, go online, or visit one of our offices (Please note: appointments are encouraged and prioritized - schedule one online)
For information about hunting and fishing license fees, please visit the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s website.
The following citizens are exempt from needing a hunting/fishing license in the State of Florida:
- Any individual who is under 16 years of age
- Florida residents 65 years of age who can show proof of age and residency
- i.e. a driver license, voter registration card, or Florida ID Card that is at least 6 months old
- Military personnel who are residents of Florida and are home on leave for a period of 30 days or less and have valid orders in their possession
- Florida residents who are fishing in saltwater from land, a structure fixed to land, jettison, or licensed fishing pier
- Any individual fishing from a boat that has been issued a vessel saltwater fishing license
- Individuals freshwater fishing in their home county with live or natural bait, using poles or hand lines that are not equipped with reel or other line retrieval mechanisms for noncommercial purposes. (NOTE: This does not apply in Fish Management Areas)
- Persons hunting or fishing in their county of residence on their homestead or the homestead of their spouse or minor child, or any minor child hunting on the homestead of their parent
Can I obtain a Lifetime or 5-Year License hunting and fishing license?
- Yes, only Florida Residents are eligible for these licenses. They can be purchased online by visiting myfwc.com or by visiting one of our offices (Please note: appointments are encouraged and prioritized - schedule one online)
I need to renew my fishing license. Where do I go?
- You can renew:
- Online at Official Florida Fishing and Hunting Licenses | Go Outdoors Florida
- In person at a license agent or tax collector's office
- By calling toll-free 888-FISH-FLORIDA(888-347-4356) or 888-HUNT-FLORIDA (888-486-8356)
- Through the Fish|HuntFL App on Apple and Android devices
I would like to go fishing and have never been before, what do I need to do?
- Florida residents and visitors need a Florida freshwater fishing or saltwater fishing license unless they are a member of an exempt group.
- A fishing license is required to attempt to take fish.
- If you cast your line, catch nothing, catch and release, or catch and keep and you are not a member of one the exempted groups, you need a license.
- A saltwater fishing license is also required to attempt to take any native or nonnative marine organisms, such as crabs, lobsters, and marine plants.
- Licenses and permits are required to help or assist in the take.
- Someone who is passively participating (baiting hooks), whether actively fishing or not, must have a license.
- For more info, visit the FWC online.
If I am a Florida resident and 65 years or older, am I required to obtain a Fishing license?
- No – residents 65 and older are exempt from a fishing license as long as they have an ID or driver license showing proof of age and residency.
If I own property in Florida can I purchase a resident fishing license?
- Only if you give up your out-of-state driver license and purchase a valid Florida driver license or show you have homestead exemption on your property.
What are the different license fees for a vessel license so I can take passengers out to fish?
- Eleven or more customers – $801.50
- Five to ten customers – $401.50
- Four or fewer customers – $201.50
- These licenses can only be obtained at a tax collector’s office – schedule an
What is required to obtain a vessel license for vessels charging a fee to take passengers out to catch marine fish?
- County business tax receipt
- Captain license from the Coast Guard
- Registration for a commercial vessel
- Driver license
Where can I obtain a fishing license?
- You can renew:
- Online at Official Florida Fishing and Hunting Licenses | Go Outdoors Florida
- In person at a license agent or tax collector's office
- By calling toll-free 888-FISH-FLORIDA(888-347-4356) or 888-HUNT-FLORIDA (888-486-8356)
- Through the Fish|HuntFL App on Apple and Android device
Who is required to have a salt and freshwater fishing license?
- Any non-resident or Florida resident fishing from a boat and/or the shoreline.
- View license exemptions
Can I obtain a lifetime or 5-year license?
- Yes, only Florida Residents are eligible for these licenses. They can be purchased online by visiting myfwc.com or you can visit one of our offices (Please note: appointments are encouraged and prioritized - schedule one online)
I would like to go hunting and have never been before, what do I need to do?
- Florida residents and visitors need a Florida hunting license unless they are a member of one of the exempt groups
- A hunting license is required to attempt to take wildlife.
- Licenses and permits are required to help or assist in the take.
- Someone who is passively participating (i.e. setting decoys or calling birds), whether actively hunting or not, must have a license.
- Find more info on the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission’s website.
I am a Florida resident and 65 years or older, am I required to obtain a hunting license?
- No – residents 65 and older are exempt from a hunting license as long as they have an ID or driver license showing proof of age and residency.
Where can I find maps of wildlife management areas in Florida?
- These can be found on the FWC’s website.
Who is required to pass a hunter’s safety course?
- Any person born on or after June 1, 1975 must have passed an approved hunter education course before he or she can purchase a hunting license.