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100% Poverty Level ID Card
Customers who provide proof indicating that their income is at or below 100 percent of the federal poverty level are eligible to apply for an original, replacement, or renewal ID card (not a FL driver license) for a lowered fee of $6.25.
Please provide one of the following documents establishing 100% poverty-level certification:
- Proof of enrollment in the Department of Children and Families, Access Florida Benefits Program
- An Access Florida Benefits document
- The document must be valid at the time of issuance
- You may present an Access Florida Benefits document showing the date that the application was approved, or the dates you are covered
- The document must be valid at the time of issuance
- An Access Florida Benefits document
- A valid Access Florida Benefits card
- Access cards that do not have expiration dates will not be accepted
NOTE: An Access Florida Benefits document may also be used for a spouse or dependent children if they are listed as a
beneficiary on the Access Florida Benefits document.
- Tax Return from last tax year (must show gross income that meets federal poverty level certification standards)
No-Fee Homeless ID Card
Homeless individuals are eligible to get an original, replacement, or renewal of their Florida ID card (not a FL driver license) at no charge.
To qualify for a no-fee homeless ID card you must provide homeless certification from:
- Homeless shelter or public assistance agency OR
- Local school district homeless education liaison OR
- Department of Children and Families Homeless Youth Certification
The homeless certification must be presented at every issuance, and the documentation date must be dated within 90 days of issuance.
A no-fee homeless ID card cannot be renewed or replaced using MyDMV Portal or mail-in renewals