- Persons with short-term mobility impairments may receive a temporary disabled parking permit for up to six months as specified by a certifying medical authority.
- Temporary disabled person parking permits require a $15 fee.
- If the need for the temporary disabled person parking permit exceeds six months, an additional temporary permit may be issued.
- If the additional permit is applied for within 12 months from the issuance of the first permit, no additional fee is required.
- Persons with long-term mobility impairments, or who are certified as legally blind, qualify for a permanent disabled person parking permit or license plate.
- Permanent permits and license plates are valid for four years and must be renewed by the permit holder’s birthdate.
- There is no fee for this parking permit.
- Persons who qualify for a permanent disabled permit can choose a wheelchair license plate for their vehicle.
How to Apply/Renew:
- Any person applying for a new permit or renewing or replacing their disabled person parking permit must provide form HSMV 83039 - Application for Disabled Person Parking Permit, completed and signed by a certifying medical authority.
- The certifying medical authority must sign within 12 months prior to submitting the application.
- IMPORTANT! If the form HSMV 83039 - Application for Disabled Person Parking Permit, is signed by an out of state doctor, a letter stating the physician is aware of Florida's guidelines, with the doctor's signature, must be provided with the application.
- If you are replacing a permit that has been reported lost or stolen, you must also provide form HSMV 83146 - Application for Replacement License Plate, Validation Decal, or Parking Permit.
- Skip the trip to an office – begin the process through the mail! Submit the completed, signed Application for Disabled Person Parking Permit and payment (if applicable) to:
Pinellas County Tax Collector
P.O. Box 6288
Clearwater, FL 33758
**The Pinellas County Tax Collector’s Office is partnered with Envision Payment Solutions for the recovery of returned checks. Returned checks may be electronically represented to your account along with a returned check fee. Envision can be contacted at 1-877-290-5460.